Passenger Transport Services Framework

Passenger Transport Services Framework

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This is a notice of a future opportunity due to be published 30 September 2019. Interested vendors are required to sign up to ProContract, the Council’s e-tendering system via the London Tenders Portal.
Bromley Council will be inviting offers from transport and taxi service providers (taxis, minibuses, coaches), as part of an upcoming opportunity to deliver these services to local residents. We are keen to secure services to support wheelchair accessibility.

The Council’s Passenger Transport Services Framework will provide transport services to children, young people and adults, both with and without additional needs.
Clients could have a range of needs including; being wheelchair users and individuals with mobility needs, learning needs, sensory impairment, hidden disabilities, or a combination of these. In some cases, a passenger assistant will be required.

The type of vehicle that can be used is flexible as long as it meets the required specification.
We want to engage with suppliers who will:
– Work closely with us and understand our needs.
– Demonstrate flexibility and react quickly to changing service demands to support changes to the Council’s requirements and our residents.
– Be innovative and efficient in the delivery of passenger transport services.
– Conduct their business in a socially responsible and ethical way.

Currently approximately 900 children, young people and adults over the age of 18 attend over 100 different venues, with 37 of these situated within the Borough and 63 are situated out of the Borough. The majority of these passengers (~75%) attend venues in the Borough. Educational establishments operate throughout the academic year from September to July with half term and term breaks. Arrival times vary from 8AM to 9AM and departure times vary from 2:30PM to 4PM. Further to this, approximately 210 adult clients attend 12 day activity venues. These services are required throughout the calendar year (closed bank holidays) and operate between 7:45AM to 10:30AM in the morning, and 2:45PM to 5:30PM in the afternoon.

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