The Penge BID was approved by ballot on 2 March 2018
5th June 2018
As I am sure you will know by now, the businesses of Penge voted overwhelmingly in favour of setting up a Business Improvement District.
Just to remind you, a BID is a business led company, empowered under government legislation, funded by a levy on businesses within a defined geographical area, in this case, around central Penge. The BID is intended to improve the local business environment and provide extra services for the benefit of those businesses.
A board has been formed from supportive and enthusiastic businesses in Penge and currently is made up as follows:
Designer Drapes – Judy Barrington
Kirvan Solicitors – Martin Kirvan
Propertyworld – Mark Painter
Sainsburys – Neil Davies
Solitaire Jewellers- Darren Dunwell
Twang Guitars – Philip Tindley
Community member – John Getgood
The board are now busy, setting up the company, appointing a bid manager and getting ready to deliver the services and improvements that you said you wanted to see over the life of the BID.
One of our early planned initiatives is to agree a collectively bargained refuse and recycling scheme, which will not only be more efficient and help improve the local area, but should also save your business more money than the levy you will pay. I hope as many of you take advantage of this as possible.
We will regularly update you with more information and news as we progress, but if you have any queries in the meanwhile, please contact us at
Bromley Council have some more Business Improvement Districts (BID) information should you need further info