COVID business grant guidance
25th January 2021
This grant can be claimed by businesses that have a rateable value and have been told by Central Government that they must close under national restrictions. More details are here: COVID 19 Business Grants Guidance ...
MoreBe aware to Vaccine Fraud
14th January 2021
Watch out for this scam 2601 COVID-19 Vaccine Fraud Poster V3...
MoreWhat Tier 3 means for our local businesses
15th December 2020
What Tier 3 means for our local businesses As you will have heard, we move into Tier 3 from midnight on Tuesday. What does this mean for our businesses? Pubs & Restaurants Tie...
MoreEssentials Market Saturday & Sunday on the Market Green Beckenham
26th November 2020
Beckenham Together are running an Essentials Market every Saturday and Sunday on the Market green. Stalls are free to any Penge BID levy payer Business who would like a stall. There will be a mixture of traders each week supplying essential ite...
MoreOnline Christmas Market for Businesses
26th November 2020
London Borough of Bromley are working with a company called Enterprise Nation that provides an online Christmas Market for businesses. This will be available to small businesses across the country and will involve a: PR/marketing campaign bu...
MoreLocal Restrictions Support Grant
16th November 2020
From the 5 November 2020- 2 December 2020 national restrictions have been imposed by government on all local authority areas in England in response to the threat posed by coronavirus. To support businesses during this period, two grants schemes ar...
MoreWear a mask signage
6th November 2020
The posters attached have been developed to assist businesses with customer compliance around wearing a face covering. A4 Posters face covering signage - Online A4 Posters face covering signage - Print ready (1) A3 Posters face covering sign...
MoreCOVID-19 Local Alert Level High
22nd October 2020
This maybe helpful explaining the restrictions that come with our Local COVID Alert Level: High COVID-19 Local Alert Level High...
17th August 2020
Our local councillors have partnered with SE20 magazine to launch a web page where people can find details of local activities & events or those organised by local residents or organisations. Councillor, Simon Jeal, said: "We've launched thi...
MoreRecycling with First Mile Waste Management
6th August 2020
Recycling with First Mile Waste Management You may have heard we have agreed to launch a recycling scheme with First Mile, we will be subsidising the first 2 rolls of sacks to better manage waste in Penge. There will be many discounts to our mem...
MoreEat in to Help Out
4th August 2020
You can check here for local eateries that have registered for Eat in to Help Out. Just click the picture. ...
MoreEat Out to Help Out
20th July 2020
Eat Out to Help Out As part of the Government's initiatives to help support businesses the 'Eat Out to Help Out' scheme has been launched. You can use the Eat Out to Help Out scheme to offer a discount to diners and encourage them to eat at you...
MorePenge High Street is open for business
8th July 2020
Click here for the full article that featured in the News Shopper....
MoreLooking forward to the re-opening of Penge Eateries – guidelines below
25th June 2020
Covid 19 Advice on food safety Covid 19 Staying-covid-19-secure form Covid 19 Reopening-checklist-for-food-businesses-during-covid-19-form Covid 19 Minimise the risk of Legionnaires' Disease ...
MoreNew Street Ranger
22nd June 2020
This is Lemar, our new street ranger. He has started today 22nd June and is getting to know Penge. He will act as an ambassador for the BID, liaising with our members, assisting the public, etc. Lemar will also encourage social distancing and discour...