Penge BID

  • What Tier 3 means for our local businesses

    15th December 2020

    What Tier 3 means for our local businesses As you will have heard, we move into Tier 3 from midnight on Tuesday.  What does this mean for our businesses? Pubs & Restaurants Tie...

  • Essentials Market Saturday & Sunday on the Market Green Beckenham

    26th November 2020

    Beckenham Together are running an Essentials Market every Saturday and Sunday on the Market green. Stalls are free to any Penge BID levy payer Business who would like a stall. There will be a mixture of traders each week supplying essential ite...

  • Online Christmas Market for Businesses

    26th November 2020

    London Borough of Bromley are working with a company called Enterprise Nation that provides an online Christmas Market for businesses.  This will be available to small businesses across the country and will involve a: PR/marketing campaign bu...

  • Local Restrictions Support Grant

    16th November 2020

    From the 5 November 2020- 2 December 2020 national restrictions have been imposed by government on all local authority areas in England in response to the threat posed by coronavirus. To support businesses during this period, two grants schemes ar...

  • Wear a mask signage

    6th November 2020

    The posters attached have been developed to assist businesses with customer compliance around wearing a face covering. A4 Posters face covering signage - Online A4 Posters face covering signage - Print ready (1) A3 Posters face covering sign...

  • Recycling with First Mile Waste Management

    6th August 2020

    Recycling with First Mile Waste Management You may have heard we have agreed to launch a recycling scheme with First Mile, we will be subsidising the first 2 rolls of sacks to better manage waste in Penge.  There will be many discounts to our mem...

  • Eat in to Help Out

    4th August 2020

    You can check here for local eateries that have registered for Eat in to Help Out. Just click the picture.  ...

  • Penge High Street is open for business

    8th July 2020

      Click here for the full article that featured  in the News Shopper....

  • New Street Ranger

    22nd June 2020

    This is Lemar, our new street ranger. He has started today 22nd June and is getting to know Penge. He will act as an ambassador for the BID, liaising with our members, assisting the public, etc. Lemar will also encourage social distancing and discour...

  • Local Economy Hardship Grant

    18th June 2020

    The fund is aimed at small and micro businesses that were not eligible for the Small Business Grant or the Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Grant. Check your eligibility here London Borough of Bromley Local Economy Business Grants &nb...

  • Please be aware of this scam

    29th May 2020

    A number of national companies have been targeted by fraudsters making fraudulent enquiries and applications for COVID-19 Retail, Hospitality and Leisure grants. The fraudsters are sending what appear to be legitimate requests for property details, r...

  • Business Support Grants

    22nd April 2020

    If you are a business and would like to check on the status of your grant request, this is Bromley's online e-form for an email response: The helpline number is 0208 313 4897  ...

  • Pay It Forward London

    20th April 2020

    Today, the Mayor launched Pay It Forward London – a crowdfunding platform on which will offer small businesses across the city the chance to pre-sell their services during the coronavirus shut down Communications pack - Pay It Forw...

  • Information on business rates and grants from London Borough of Bromley

    31st March 2020

    Information on business rates and grants from London Borough of Bromley. Emails are being sent to businesses where we have their email address and le...

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